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What Does “Under Seal” Mean?

What Does “Under Seal” Mean?

What is a “seal?” Seals have been around for hundreds of years, but their purpose has changed a lot during that time. The term “under seal” for instance, has little in common with the main reason for using a physical seal in the past. But what actually is a seal? The...

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Does Having a Trust Avoid the Need for Probate?

Does Having a Trust Avoid the Need for Probate?

Many people leave worrying about what could happen to their property and other assets on death until it is too late. If you die before making a will or establishing a trust, your entire estate will be the responsibility of the court to distribute according to...

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Four Unique Massachusetts Laws You Should Know About

Four Unique Massachusetts Laws You Should Know About

Every state in the Union has its own laws which distinguish the state from other states and from federal laws. Only if there is a substantial conflict with federal legislation will there be an attempt to override new state laws. Most laws unique to Massachusetts may...

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What Is Informal Probate In Massachusetts?

What Is Informal Probate In Massachusetts?

Probate is the legal process to settle a person’s assets after their death to ensure that their will is valid. These assets include bank funds, investment accounts, homes, and properties, plus assets like cars, boats and businesses. However, it is essential to...

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