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Water Pipe Damage Disputes in Massachusetts

Water Pipe Damage Disputes in Massachusetts

When a water pipe bursts through corrosion, old age, excess pressure or the accidental misuse of machinery, the results can be devastating and very expensive. It’s not the cost of replacing the plumbing that makes these sorts of dramas so expensive, but the damage...

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Alcohol Liability Laws in Massachusetts

Alcohol Liability Laws in Massachusetts

Most people understand and accept that there are strict rules about consuming alcohol and what might happen if an intoxicated person drives, takes control of a boat, or behaves unreasonably in public. In Massachusetts, it is illegal to consume alcohol if you are under...

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What is the Prompt Payment Act in Massachusetts?

What is the Prompt Payment Act in Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts Prompt Payment Act sets out the time periods within which payment for private and public construction work must be paid. The Act helps contractors and sub-contractors have certainty about payment for work completed and facilitates cash flow for these...

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Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes in Massachusetts

Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes in Massachusetts

Everyone is aware that laws exist to protect the property of individuals, businesses and other organizations. If someone steals your car, or breaks into your home taking computers and jewelry, then they are breaking the law and could end up with prison sentences and...

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How the Small Claims Court Works in Massachusetts

How the Small Claims Court Works in Massachusetts

If you believe you have suffered a financial loss due to someone else’s actions, and have tried to negotiate compensation or payment directly with no success, you may be able to resolve your complaint through the civil court by filing a small claim. The small claims...

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