When water pipes burst, the damage done can be extensive, especially if the location of the burst pipes are not discovered quickly. Burst pipe damage doesn’t just affect the occupants of the building where the pipes have burst or closest to where the pipes burst. It...
Who is Liable for Property Damage During a Construction Project in Massachusetts?
Accidents are always waiting to happen on a construction site. Fortunately, they aren’t common, but if they do occur and there has been damage to the landowner’s property, the first question that is likely to be asked is “Who is liable for the cost of the repairs...
The Risks to Homeowners of a Contractor Not Pulling Permits in Massachusetts
Why building permits are so important in Massachusetts Building permits are required for a lot of the work that might be done on homes in Massachusetts. For non-state owned buildings, the local municipality where the building is located is responsible for issuing...
How to Request Speed Bumps in Massachusetts: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safer Streets
Communities that have genuine concerns about the speed that traffic is moving in their immediate neighborhood have ways in which they can bring their concerns to the relevant municipal authority for attention. There is a variety of tried and tested calming measures...
Estate Planning for Small Business Owners in Massachusetts
It is important for small business owners just as much as it is for individuals to plan for what happens to their assets when they die or become incapacitated. Estate planning for small business owners can be doubly challenging because there is often an overlap...
What Massachusetts Small Businesses Should Know About Insurance Needs
One of the most important items on the list of what has to be done when a small business starts up is to consider the need for business insurance. Every small business, of course, is unique and this means that its insurance needs must be individualized to meet that...
Managing Legal Risks and Contractual Obligations Involved in Construction Delays in Massachusetts
Timelines and time limits in construction contracts, especially large ones that may take months or years to complete, can be a source of frustration, financial setbacks and legal problems if there are delays. The larger the contract and the longer it was projected to...
Water Pipe Damage Disputes in Massachusetts
When a water pipe bursts through corrosion, old age, excess pressure or the accidental misuse of machinery, the results can be devastating and very expensive. It’s not the cost of replacing the plumbing that makes these sorts of dramas so expensive, but the damage...
Alcohol Liability Laws in Massachusetts
Most people understand and accept that there are strict rules about consuming alcohol and what might happen if an intoxicated person drives, takes control of a boat, or behaves unreasonably in public. In Massachusetts, it is illegal to consume alcohol if you are under...
Who is Responsible for Fallen Trees in Massachusetts?
Whether you have trees growing in your own property, or your neighbors have trees close to your boundary, or there are trees in a public space close to your own home, there is always potential for damage from falling trees or branches. As a property owner it is...
Impact of New Child Support Guidelines in Massachusetts
What is child support? In all U.S. states, including Massachusetts, there is provision under state law to protect the welfare of the joint children of a couple who have separated and are no longer living together. In Massachusetts, it doesn’t matter whether a couple...
What are the Impacts of the Alimony Reform Act in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts law has long recognized the need for alimony when a couple divorces if one spouse is likely to earn much less than the other. Alimony, also called spousal support, is aimed at helping to support the less well off spouse after divorce for a period the...
What is the Role of OSHA in Construction Law in Massachusetts?
Construction sites have a number of risks to workers as well as visitors. Accidents from falling debris, faulty equipment, contact with heavy machinery and falls from steep heights all pose risks which must be minimized by construction site managers and operators. The...
The Importance of Well-Drafted Contracts in Avoiding Litigation in Massachusetts
When embarking on just about anything important, choosing what to study and where to study it, starting a family, having a vacation or an adventure, starting a business, you are much more likely to have a successful outcome if you do thorough, well researched planning...
What are the Options for Small Businesses When they are at Risk of Default in Massachusetts?
Managing a thriving small business in Massachusetts can be harder than starting it. If a loan was negotiated to get the business going, repayments may be hard to make at times. It’s not unusual for small businesses to experience volatility in their finances, but if it...
What is the Prompt Payment Act in Massachusetts?
The Massachusetts Prompt Payment Act sets out the time periods within which payment for private and public construction work must be paid. The Act helps contractors and sub-contractors have certainty about payment for work completed and facilitates cash flow for these...
Steps Needed to Needed to Open a Small Business in Massachusetts
Starting a small business in Massachusetts is a sequential process. The steps involved are well established and can be researched easily on the Internet. Before any of these steps are taken, and permits and licenses sought, the would-be small business owner or owners...
Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes in Massachusetts
Everyone is aware that laws exist to protect the property of individuals, businesses and other organizations. If someone steals your car, or breaks into your home taking computers and jewelry, then they are breaking the law and could end up with prison sentences and...
Understanding Guardianship & Conservatorship in Massachusetts
When someone becomes incapable of looking after their health and other aspects of their own life, such as their estate and finances, the Massachusetts Probate and Family court may appoint a responsible person or persons to look after their needs. This typically may...
How the Small Claims Court Works in Massachusetts
If you believe you have suffered a financial loss due to someone else’s actions, and have tried to negotiate compensation or payment directly with no success, you may be able to resolve your complaint through the civil court by filing a small claim. The small claims...