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Divorce and Real Estate in Massachusetts

Divorce and Real Estate in Massachusetts

The division of marital assets can be a thorny issue when contemplating a divorce, and often the thorniest issue of all is who gets the family home? After all, if the value of your home has been on the rise lately because of its location, its asset value is likely to...

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Property Boundaries in Dispute in Massachusetts

Property Boundaries in Dispute in Massachusetts

If you are considering buying or selling a property in Massachusetts, there is a myriad of things to consider. One aspect of buying a property that is often overlooked is the property boundary. Sellers may think that they know the boundary lines well and in many cases...

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What are the Types of Tenancy in Massachusetts?

What are the Types of Tenancy in Massachusetts?

Around 35% of Massachusetts residents rent somewhere to live. This figure is about average for the whole of the United States, although it hides differences based on age, socio-economic group and location. For example, older or retired people are more likely to have...

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Common Residential Home After-Purchase Problems in MA

Common Residential Home After-Purchase Problems in MA

How do you know whether a home you buy not have any major defects, apart from what the seller has already stated before the sale? The answer is to engage a competent professional inspector who assesses the state of the home and provides a realistic valuation as well...

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What Does “Under Seal” Mean?

What Does “Under Seal” Mean?

What is a “seal?” Seals have been around for hundreds of years, but their purpose has changed a lot during that time. The term “under seal” for instance, has little in common with the main reason for using a physical seal in the past. But what actually is a seal? The...

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Does Having a Trust Avoid the Need for Probate?

Does Having a Trust Avoid the Need for Probate?

Many people leave worrying about what could happen to their property and other assets on death until it is too late. If you die before making a will or establishing a trust, your entire estate will be the responsibility of the court to distribute according to...

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