What is a “seal?” Seals have been around for hundreds of years, but their purpose has changed a lot during that time. The term “under seal” for instance, has little in common with the main reason for using a physical seal in the past. But what actually is a seal? The...
Can a Contractor Take a Lien On a Residential Property In Case of a Dispute In Massachusetts?
Just as a coin has two sides, so has a dispute between a property owner and a contractor who has supplied construction services to that owner. Let’s just tease that sentence out before explaining what rights in Massachusetts law both contractors and owners have when...
Tips to Settle a Dispute With a Residential Contractor
There are many reasons why there could be a dispute with a residential contractor. In fact, disputes between owners and contractors, contractors and sub-contractors and between them and suppliers of materials are commonplace. This doesn’t mean that disputes cannot be...
When Is It a Good Idea To Use a Cease and Desist Letter In Massachusetts?
Cease and desist letters are a response to actions by an individual or business which is doing something wrong which affects you in some way. Common reasons for sending a cease and desist letter in Massachusetts includes incidences of bullying, intimidation,...
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements: What are the Differences?
The future financial relationship between couples aiming to tie the knot can be tricky. Even when the two people start out married life more or less equal in assets, income and prospects, things can change over the period of married life. The arrival of children,...
The Pandemic and the Probable Rise of Commercial Bankruptcies in 2021
Many businesses have been hit hard in Massachusetts since the start of the pandemic and smaller businesses in particular are teetering on the edge of filing for bankruptcy or have already fallen off the cliff. The much publicized 1.9 billion dollar coronavirus relief...
Mitigating Litigation Risk For Businesses Reopening In The Near Future
As employees return to work, businesses are faced with an altered work environment, one of social distancing, reduced contact, and greater health risks. There is no dearth of potential litigation risks after the pandemic, and smart business managers are quickly...
What is Fiduciary Duty and What Can be Done When There is a Breach of It?
A fiduciary is an individual, business or organization that has a legal duty towards another individual, business or organization. The party to which the fiduciary owes a duty is called the beneficiary and the specific duty owed is called the fiduciary duty. The word...
The Legal Challenges for Small Business Owners in the COVID-19 Era
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit small businesses hard in Massachusetts, perhaps harder than many other places in the U.S. Around 22% of small businesses in the state have been forced to close down, or reduce their operations awaiting a better economic environment. The...
The COVID-19 State of Emergency and Its Legal Implications for Citizens of Massachusetts
The COVID-19 virus is affecting every facet of society. Though the long-term legal implications are still unclear, this article explores some of the legal issues that residents of Massachusetts are currently grappling with due to the COVID-19 state of emergency and...
Digital or Electronic Signatures in Massachusetts are Legally Valid
With Massachusetts under social distancing and stay at home rules and the closure of essential businesses, many law firms are operating under different conditions. Lawyers are resorting to the help of expanded use of the Internet, including email, video conferencing...
Contract Disputes in Business Litigation Massachusetts
A contract does not have to be in writing. A contract simply exists after a verbal offer was communicated and accepted. But, because of this ambiguity, it is not uncommon for businesses to have to deal with partners, suppliers, and customers who fail to meet their...
What are your legal options when contracts aren’t fulfilled?
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Massachusetts business owners enter into agreements with other parties for goods and services all the time. More often than not, both parties fulfill their...
Demand letters: The first step in collecting on unpaid contracts
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Wednesday, February 6, 2019. Part of doing business is getting paid for products or services. When Massachusetts businesses encounter clients or customers who fail to pay on their...
Disputes with cable companies over contracts seem to occur yearly
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Wednesday, January 2, 2019. It seems as though every year cable viewers here in Massachusetts and elsewhere could lose the ability to watch cable channels they rely on for news, sports and other...
Contracts: Massachusetts police chief sues town, selectmen
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Monday, December 3, 2018. A disgruntled Massachusetts police chief is suing the town for which he works along with a couple selectmen who opted not to renew his contract. The chief, who works for the...
Making sure customers fulfill their part of business contracts
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Thursday, November 1, 2018. When entering into an agreement with a client or customer, a Massachusetts business owner expects to be compensated for the goods or services provided. Payment is a big part...
When it comes to contracts, what does it mean to breach one?
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Monday, September 24, 2018. Massachusetts business owners tend to form relationships with vendors, suppliers and other businesses that help them thrive. Cementing those relationships often includes the...
Disputes over contracts could stop people in their tracks
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Thursday, September 6, 2018. Business disputes are nothing new. It would more than likely be nearly impossible to find any two people who always get along, whether here in Massachusetts or elsewhere. For...
Contracts need to include certain elements to remain valid
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Friday, August 24, 2018. When entering into an agreement with another party, it should be in writing. That may seem like some of the most obvious advice when it comes to contracts, but some Massachusetts...