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Social Media and Divorce Custody Cases

Social Media and Divorce Custody Cases

Rules of Evidence determine what type of documents and testimony are allowed by the court as evidence during a trial. Generally, these rules are fairly relaxed in family law proceedings—meaning that the parties are generally allowed to offer any relevant evidence....

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Share of Property in A Divorce in Massachusetts

“What share of marital property does my spouse have?” is the question on everyone’s mind when getting divorced in Massachusetts or elsewhere in the United States. Sadly, married couples usually give very little thought to the matter of division of marital property...

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Can a Parent Relocate with the Child in Massachusetts?

Can a Parent Relocate with the Child in Massachusetts?

Relocating with the kids is tough when you are married, but even more so if you are divorced or separated and share custody with the other parent. If you or your ex wants to move away – or, in legal terms, relocate – and take your children along, there are quite a few...

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Arbitration in Massachusetts Probate and Family Court

Arbitration in Massachusetts Probate and Family Court

On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Tuesday, December 6, 2016.Mediation and arbitration are often less expensive and less stressful alternatives to litigation in family law matters. The parties must agree to submit to alternative dispute...

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