Like everyone else, you have probably heard the term "common law marriage," at one point or another. But, what does it actually mean? First, let's deal with the myths: Everyone thinks that if you live together for a certain amount of time, you automatically become...
Social Media and Divorce Custody Cases
Rules of Evidence determine what type of documents and testimony are allowed by the court as evidence during a trial. Generally, these rules are fairly relaxed in family law proceedings—meaning that the parties are generally allowed to offer any relevant evidence....
What Factors Do I Need to Consider Before Moving My Child Out-Of-State?
Family relocation cases involving a request to move out-of-state are no longer a rarity. But, in order to be successful, any request will need to be properly planned, prepared, and presented to the court with the assistance of a qualified family law attorney. With...
What Happens at a Massachusetts Family Court Pre-Trial Hearing?
Some family law cases, especially highly contested divorces and child custody cases, will need to go to trial to be resolved. However, only a small percentage of family law cases filed in Massachusetts actually make it to trial. Many are resolved outside of court or...
Share of Property in A Divorce in Massachusetts
“What share of marital property does my spouse have?” is the question on everyone’s mind when getting divorced in Massachusetts or elsewhere in the United States. Sadly, married couples usually give very little thought to the matter of division of marital property...
Divorce In Massachusetts: Learn How Property is Divided
A divorce is the legal dissolution of the union between two people whose assets and liabilities were bound together through marriage. So, when you get divorced, one of the many issues that you and your spouse need to consider is how your assets and liabilities will be...
Can a Parent Relocate with the Child in Massachusetts?
Relocating with the kids is tough when you are married, but even more so if you are divorced or separated and share custody with the other parent. If you or your ex wants to move away – or, in legal terms, relocate – and take your children along, there are quite a few...
Massachusetts Alimony Settlement Cannot Be Reopened Because of a Subsequent Clarification of the Law
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Tuesday, January 10, 2017.Sometimes a case is in progress during or shortly after a change in the law, when its application and interpretation are still uncertain. In such cases, the parties may prefer...
Arbitration in Massachusetts Probate and Family Court
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Tuesday, December 6, 2016.Mediation and arbitration are often less expensive and less stressful alternatives to litigation in family law matters. The parties must agree to submit to alternative dispute...
Massachusetts Appeals Court Includes Income in Child Support Calculation Despite Mother’s Waiver of Interest
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Friday, September 9, 2016. Child support in Massachusetts is determined using the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines. There is a rebuttable presumption that the guidelines apply to all child support...
Massachusetts Appeals Court Denies Mother’s Request to Move Children to California
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Friday, May 13, 2016.In Massachusetts, a custodial parent may not remove a minor child from the Commonwealth without the child's consent if the child is old enough to give it. If the child is too young...
Division of Future Book Royalties in Massachusetts Divorces
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Tuesday, November 24, 2015.It is common for a person to sacrifice to support a spouse who is pursuing an education or developing a career. Unfortunately, if the marriage falls apart after the spouse...
Massachusetts Does Not Require Notice of Adoption to Sperm Donor
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Friday, May 15, 2015.The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently considered whether notice of an adoption petition must go to a known sperm donor. In this recent case, a married same-sex couple...
Child Support Modification Standard Clarified And Simplified
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Family Law on Tuesday, April 2, 2013.Recently, the Supreme Judicial Court in Massachusetts clarified the standard for a parent to get a child support order modified. In Morales v. Morales, the SJC held that a...