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Water Pipe Damage Disputes in Massachusetts

Water Pipe Damage Disputes in Massachusetts

When a water pipe bursts through corrosion, old age, excess pressure or the accidental misuse of machinery, the results can be devastating and very expensive. It’s not the cost of replacing the plumbing that makes these sorts of dramas so expensive, but the damage...

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Jury Service in Massachusetts

Jury Service in Massachusetts

Just about any adult who is on the electoral roll in Massachusetts could be picked at random for jury duty in the state, so if this has happened to you and you are unsure what it means, read on below. Who are jurors? Jurors are people from all walks of life who have...

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New Legislation for the New Year in Massachusetts

New Legislation for the New Year in Massachusetts

Two new pieces of legislation have come into effect in Massachusetts since the start of the New Year. They may not be about laws that you have ever heard of, or even realized that you may have already had a vote on, but directly or indirectly they could affect you in...

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Does State Law Override Local Rules?

Does State Law Override Local Rules?

Vaccine and mask mandates are gradually being wound down in many parts of the U.S. including here in Massachusetts, as an increased vaccination rate and the gradual reduction in the severity of the Omicron wave take hold. But who actually had the authority to issue...

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