Home Estate Planning and Probate
Plan Your Estate to Minimize Probate Assets

Plan Your Estate to Minimize Probate Assets

Why you should plan your estate? A surprising number of people don’t bother planning what to do about the assets they own when they pass away. Not leaving a will or other means of determining how your assets should be distributed may not concern you if you have...

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What Does “Under Seal” Mean?

What Does “Under Seal” Mean?

What is a “seal?” Seals have been around for hundreds of years, but their purpose has changed a lot during that time. The term “under seal” for instance, has little in common with the main reason for using a physical seal in the past. But what actually is a seal? The...

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Costly mistakes a will can help you avoid.

Did you know that 68% of Americans don't have a will?  Estate planning and wills shouldn't be left until the last minute. A will gives your family guidance on how to divide your estate. If you die without a will, the court and the laws of your state determine how your...

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Probate during COVID-19 pandemic in Massachusetts

Probate during COVID-19 pandemic in Massachusetts

Probate is the legal process that a deceased person's estate must go through to pass the decedent's probatable assets on to their descendants or, preferably, their named beneficiaries. Probate can be time-consuming and expensive and can significantly delay...

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Testamentary Capacity in Massachusetts

Testamentary Capacity in Massachusetts

On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Estate Planning and Probate on Monday, June 1, 2015.The Appeals Court of Massachusetts recently addressed the issue of testamentary capacity. In In the Matter of the Estate of Fred S. Rosen, a will contestant...

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