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Gig Workers And Employment Laws  – Here’s An Update

Gig Workers And Employment Laws – Here’s An Update

Gig workers operate out of the non-traditional work arrangements. They have temporary contracts with companies that hire them; as a result, their income varies on the number of gigs they get at any given time. These freelancers make up a considerable portion of the US...

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Massachusetts Labor Laws During Covid-19

Massachusetts Labor Laws During Covid-19

The virus that upended just about everything early last year is unfortunately still with us and probably nothing will really go back to ‘normal’ until the current vaccine roll out is near complete. It’s not just Massachusetts, of course. The virus has seriously...

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Privacy Rights in the Workplace in Massachusetts

Privacy Rights in the Workplace in Massachusetts

Fundamentally, employees forfeit certain privacy rights in exchange for the opportunity to be employed and to earn pay. Though some think that this arrangement is unconstitutional, there is very little support for this belief in the Constitution itself.  The reality...

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Discrimination (gender) in Massachusetts

Discrimination (gender) in Massachusetts

Across the county, women earn on average 79 cents for every dollar that men earn in comparable positions. Massachusetts is not much better, where statewide women earn only 83 cents for every dollar men earn in comparable positions. What's worse, across the top 25...

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Paid Family and Medical Leave in Massachusetts

Paid Family and Medical Leave in Massachusetts

Over the past few years, numerous states have passed laws providing for paid family and medical leave. Because the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides for only unpaid leave, states like Massachusetts are stepping up to provide paid leave benefits that...

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