All new businesses need a well thought out plan. It only seems logical to devise a suitable business plan before registering a new business rather than rush into the business before devising a plan. Part of any new business plan should take into consideration what...
Who is Liable for Property Damage During a Construction Project in Massachusetts?
Accidents are always waiting to happen on a construction site. Fortunately, they aren’t common, but if they do occur and there has been damage to the landowner’s property, the first question that is likely to be asked is “Who is liable for the cost of the repairs...
The Risks to Homeowners of a Contractor Not Pulling Permits in Massachusetts
Why building permits are so important in Massachusetts Building permits are required for a lot of the work that might be done on homes in Massachusetts. For non-state owned buildings, the local municipality where the building is located is responsible for issuing...
What Massachusetts Small Businesses Should Know About Insurance Needs
One of the most important items on the list of what has to be done when a small business starts up is to consider the need for business insurance. Every small business, of course, is unique and this means that its insurance needs must be individualized to meet that...
Managing Legal Risks and Contractual Obligations Involved in Construction Delays in Massachusetts
Timelines and time limits in construction contracts, especially large ones that may take months or years to complete, can be a source of frustration, financial setbacks and legal problems if there are delays. The larger the contract and the longer it was projected to...
The Importance of Well-Drafted Contracts in Avoiding Litigation in Massachusetts
When embarking on just about anything important, choosing what to study and where to study it, starting a family, having a vacation or an adventure, starting a business, you are much more likely to have a successful outcome if you do thorough, well researched planning...
What is the Prompt Payment Act in Massachusetts?
The Massachusetts Prompt Payment Act sets out the time periods within which payment for private and public construction work must be paid. The Act helps contractors and sub-contractors have certainty about payment for work completed and facilitates cash flow for these...
Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes in Massachusetts
Everyone is aware that laws exist to protect the property of individuals, businesses and other organizations. If someone steals your car, or breaks into your home taking computers and jewelry, then they are breaking the law and could end up with prison sentences and...
How the Small Claims Court Works in Massachusetts
If you believe you have suffered a financial loss due to someone else’s actions, and have tried to negotiate compensation or payment directly with no success, you may be able to resolve your complaint through the civil court by filing a small claim. The small claims...
Breaches of Fiduciary Duty in Massachusetts – What’s Involved?
If you have a fiduciary duty to others or you believe you have suffered from a breach of fiduciary duties you need to know the legal implications. In most cases, you will find that a Massachusetts attorney with an understanding of fiduciary duty rights can help you...
Breach of Contract in Massachusetts and Remedies That Can be Pursued
A breach of contract is said to have taken place when a business contract between two parties has not been fulfilled because one or other of the two parties has failed to satisfy their side of the contract and the other party has suffered some sort of damages. The...
Making a Complaint Against a Local Business in Massachusetts
If you have a complaint about a local business in Massachusetts, there is an established pathway that can be followed to make a complaint and seek a resolution. Both state and federal agencies can help to investigate and seek to resolve your complaint. Failing a...
What happens during the Discovery Stage of a Lawsuit?
Lawsuits are civil actions taken by one party against another because of a perceived wrong against them. Many civil actions are settled without having to use a court, i.e. without having to file a lawsuit, but when the case against the defendant is strong and there...
Can a Contractor Take a Lien On a Residential Property In Case of a Dispute In Massachusetts?
Just as a coin has two sides, so has a dispute between a property owner and a contractor who has supplied construction services to that owner. Let’s just tease that sentence out before explaining what rights in Massachusetts law both contractors and owners have when...
Tips to Settle a Dispute With a Residential Contractor
There are many reasons why there could be a dispute with a residential contractor. In fact, disputes between owners and contractors, contractors and sub-contractors and between them and suppliers of materials are commonplace. This doesn’t mean that disputes cannot be...
When Is It a Good Idea To Use a Cease and Desist Letter In Massachusetts?
Cease and desist letters are a response to actions by an individual or business which is doing something wrong which affects you in some way. Common reasons for sending a cease and desist letter in Massachusetts includes incidences of bullying, intimidation,...
Who can benefit from record expungement in Massachusetts?
Some past mistakes can continue to haunt us for years to come in the form of a criminal record. If there is something on your record then you have likely experienced difficulty with getting jobs, apartments, or even obtaining a loan. Perhaps you have been looking into...
Are Non Refundable Fees Really Non Refundable?
It’s been a year of non-stop Covid restrictions on normal life and for many people the restrictions on travel are some of the most frustrating and irksome. While travel within Massachusetts and across the U.S. is certainly possible, it comes with increased risk as the...
Legal Aspects of Climate Change for Businesses in Massachusetts
Climate change is increasingly a component of litigation in the United States. With the incoming Biden administration expected to take an increasingly stronger stance on climate change mitigation and legislation, it seems likely that businesses, wherever they are in...
Massachusetts Labor Laws During Covid-19
The virus that upended just about everything early last year is unfortunately still with us and probably nothing will really go back to ‘normal’ until the current vaccine roll out is near complete. It’s not just Massachusetts, of course. The virus has seriously...