“What share of marital property does my spouse have?” is the question on everyone’s mind when getting divorced in Massachusetts or elsewhere in the United States. Sadly, married couples usually give very little thought to the matter of division of marital property...
The 10 Most Common Wage and Hour Issues for Employees in Massachusetts
Wage and hour issues in Massachusetts are governed by the rules and regulations set forth by state law and the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA governs employment issues related to minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment for...
Divorce In Massachusetts: Learn How Property is Divided
A divorce is the legal dissolution of the union between two people whose assets and liabilities were bound together through marriage. So, when you get divorced, one of the many issues that you and your spouse need to consider is how your assets and liabilities will be...
Choosing an Experienced Massachusetts Construction Lawyer
Are you tired of not being paid for the work you do on construction projects? Are you involved in a defect claim or worried about being sued? Are you fed up with leaving money on the table at the end of jobs? Are you looking for a better way to strengthen your legal...
What is Business Litigation?
Litigation is the formal process by which a lawsuit is filed so that a judge or jury can resolve a legal issue. Litigation can involve a wide range of matters. Common types of litigation include: Criminal litigation; Family law litigation; Trust and probate...
The decision to divorce doesn’t happen overnight
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucciposted in Divorce on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Like other couples across the country, those getting married here in Massachusetts never expect the relationship will end. Even couples who enter into prenuptial...
How does arbitration work in a construction law dispute?
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci on Wednesday, February 20, 2019. Many contracts include provisions regarding how to deal with disputes. Construction law is no exception. Using arbitration instead of proceeding directly to a Massachusetts...
News And Thoughts On The Law In And Around Boston
The importance of online reviews in hiring a construction company On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Construction Law on Wednesday, May 8, 2019. When Massachusetts residents decide to buy a new car, the often get on the internet and...
Baggage from before the marriage can lead to divorce
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucciposted in Divorce on Friday, April 26, 2019. Everyone had a life prior to marriage. During that time, some people, including many here in Massachusetts, went through some form of trauma. It's sometimes referred...
Understanding how the court would decide child custody
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Child Custody on Wednesday, April 24, 2019. When Massachusetts residents decide to divorce, one of their primary concerns is how to coordinate parenting time. These days, many couples choose to work...
Separate your digital lives during, if not before, a divorce
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucciposted in Divorce on Monday, April 22, 2019. Most married couples, whether here in Massachusetts or elsewhere, tend not to keep certain information private. One spouse may use the other spouse's computer,...
What are your legal options when contracts aren’t fulfilled?
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Massachusetts business owners enter into agreements with other parties for goods and services all the time. More often than not, both parties fulfill their...
Construction law issues: Weather delays
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Construction Law on Wednesday, March 27, 2019. Even meteorologists cannot accurately predict the weather beyond a certain point. Determining whether any delay-causing weather will occur during a...
A divorce can take a while, so ask for temporary orders
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Divorce on Thursday, March 21, 2019. Ending a marriage whether here in Massachusetts or elsewhere is a process. Depending on the situation, it could take months to finalize a divorce. Life does not...
Construction law issues: Staying on target to meet deadlines
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Construction Law on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Bidding on building contracts here in Massachusetts requires understanding the potential client's needs, including deadlines. One of the biggest...
Women tend to initiate divorce more often than men
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Divorce on Thursday, March 7, 2019. It may surprise Massachusetts residents to learn that many women are not happy in their marriages. In fact, they initiate divorce proceedings approximately 80...
Divorce can affect retirement plans even before age 50
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Divorce on Thursday, February 28, 2019. The statistics regarding the number of couples ending their marriages seems to focus on those age 39 and under and those age 50 and above. This does not...
Divorce does not have to follow the traditional path
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Divorce on Thursday, February 14, 2019. Even as times have changed, television and movies continue to depict people ending their marriages in courtroom battles. This could make some Massachusetts...
Demand letters: The first step in collecting on unpaid contracts
On behalf of Richard Mucci of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Contracts on Wednesday, February 6, 2019. Part of doing business is getting paid for products or services. When Massachusetts businesses encounter clients or customers who fail to pay on their...
What is driving ‘gray divorce’ across the country?
On behalf of Law Offices of Richard Mucci posted in Divorce on Wednesday, January 30, 2019. After decades of marriage, many couples over the age of 50 here in Massachusetts and across the nation are deciding to go their separate ways. What is driving the gray divorce...