Alimony, also called spousal support, is a regular payment made by the better off spouse after a divorce to the less better off one. Not all divorces result in alimony being paid out. In some ways, the payment itself is a throwback to times past when many more...
What is the Trial Court Community Service Program in Massachusetts?
Community service programs that have been ordered by courts are one possible form of punishment available when an offender has been convicted of a crime that is not very serious. Such programs are thought to have benefits for both the community and the offender in the...
How Long Do You Have to Be Married In Massachusetts to Get Half?
If you have heard that the assets of you and your spouse could be split 50/50 by a Massachusetts court, then you are only partly correct. Of the 50 states, only 9 of them are what are called community property states. In these states (which include Washington,...
Debt Collection Laws in Massachusetts
If you are in debt to an individual, business, or any other organization and are experiencing pressure to pay your debt or are facing a lawsuit you should make yourself aware of Massachusetts debt collection laws. These provide protection against unfair or illegal...
What’s the Difference Between DUI, DWI and OUI in Massachusetts?
In Massachusetts, the abbreviations DUI and OUI basically refer to the same thing and that is operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. OUI stands for “Operating Under the Influence” and it is the preferred term for the criminal charges...
Non-Compete and Trade Restraint Clauses under Massachusetts Law
“Thou shall NOT...” Maybe not exactly couched in old English, but your new or old employment contract may contain serious non-compete or trade restraint clauses that you need to beware of. Unsurprisingly, employees hardly read or understand the full weight of their...
5 Things Testators and Executors Should Never Do in Massachusetts
Estate planning in Massachusetts requires knowledge and precision – and this means that knowing what to do is equally important as knowing what NOT to do. The law heavily regulates the subjects of Wills and estate administration. Since the goal of making a Will is to...
What is an Intentional Tort in Tort Law?
If you have been harmed in any way by someone else, whether they intended to harm you or not, you may have been the victim of what is called in Massachusetts law a “tort”. It is important to know something about torts if you have been hurt in any way by someone else...
Making a Valid Will and Three Estate Planning Tools in Massachusetts
There is only one thing more important than making a Will in Massachusetts - it is making a valid Will. There are different sets of legal requirements for a Will to be valid in Massachusetts and they include: Capacity (such as age, soundness of mind, the appointment...
False Allegations Made in a Divorce in Massachusetts
Deciding child custody arrangements before a divorce can be frustrating when the two parents disagree about how they should be made. If the parents cannot come to a mutually acceptable decision about child custody themselves, or with the help of a counselor and/or...
Modifications to Alimony Payments in Massachusetts
Several circumstances may require a former spouse to request a modification to an alimony order. Some of them include: the reduction or cessation of the income of the paying spouse (e.g., economic difficulties or loss of job not deliberately caused by the paying...
Unmarried Parents vs Married Parents Rights to Custody in Massachusetts
Separating from a spouse or partner when you have children who are not yet old enough to look after themselves is often an anxious and challenging experience. In Massachusetts, there is a clear distinction between the rights of married couples who are going through a...
Is Your Employer Allowed to Pay You Late in Massachusetts?
The short answer to this important question is “No". However, the more detailed answer is more complex. Most employees in Massachusetts are employed in what is called “at-will” employment. This means that employers can sack an employee whenever they want for almost...
Motion for a New Trial in Massachusetts
If someone has been convicted of a criminal offense in Massachusetts there are certain limited grounds for moving a motion for a new trial. This can be done at any time after the conviction has been determined by trial. There are two principal categories of reasons...
Common Residential Home After-Purchase Problems in MA
How do you know whether a home you buy not have any major defects, apart from what the seller has already stated before the sale? The answer is to engage a competent professional inspector who assesses the state of the home and provides a realistic valuation as well...
Claims for Vehicle Accident Victims in Massachusetts
A report by the Centre for Disease Control (US) reveals that one out of every five people dies as a result of distracted driving. In a similar worrisome trend, Massachusetts Highway Safety Division recorded the highest number of car accident deaths in 2021 since 2009....
Deciding Pet Custody in a Divorce Case in Massachusetts
Parting with your spouse may be very painful or good riddance, but never with your innocent pet. For couples who have both developed a deep emotional connection with their pet, the subject can be quite touchy considering the need not only to restart your love life...
How Divorce Affects Trusts in Massachusetts
Most couples arrange their financial affairs so that in the event that one of them dies prematurely, the other spouse is the major or only beneficiary. Shared children may change the arrangements that spouses make so that children are taken care of if one or the other...
What Does Self-Employed Business Insurance Cover in Massachusetts?
If you are planning to start a new business, it can be an exciting time. Being self-employed brings numerous advantages over having a regular job and an employer who dictates everything you do. Self-employment brings the possibility of earning as much money as your...
What is the Difference Between a Title and a Deed in Massachusetts?
New homeowners or those individuals and couples who are aspiring homeowners in Massachusetts are often confused about terms used in real estate and the process of purchasing and selling property. Two typically confusing terms are “title” and “deed”. This blog will...