2024 is the second and final year of the current two year legislative session. Several bills that have either gone through their first readings or have yet to be heard are expected to be voted on later next year. Some, if not all of these bills, may eventually become...
Changes to Massachusetts Landlord-Tenant Laws during 2023
The Massachusetts Attorney General’s office (AGO) earlier this year released its annual report on consumer complaints. For the first time, the report had more complaints concerning rental housing in the state than complaints against used car dealers. The difference...
Could a 4 Day Working Week ‘Work’ in Massachusetts?
Momentum is building in support of a 4 day working week pilot program in Massachusetts. If a bill that will be debated in the state legislature (Bill H.3849) is passed, a two year program called the Massachusetts Smart Work Week Pilot could lead to the first reduction...
When Should You Review Your Custody Agreement?
Child custody arrangements often pose some of the most challenging decisions that any separating couple has to make when navigating a divorce. Parents who are in the process of going through a divorce can either cooperate on devising their own custody arrangements or...
What is a Whistleblower and How Are They Protected in Massachusetts?
A whistleblower is someone who reports incorrect, unethical or illegal activity in any private or public agency, organization or business. Whistleblowers take a risk that their activity may result in retaliation by the entity whose activity they are reporting. Both...
Divorce and Real Estate in Massachusetts
The division of marital assets can be a thorny issue when contemplating a divorce, and often the thorniest issue of all is who gets the family home? After all, if the value of your home has been on the rise lately because of its location, its asset value is likely to...
Grandparent Rights After a Divorce in Massachusetts
Deaths, separations and divorces can have a huge emotional and psychological toll on the two partners in a marriage or civil partnership, as well as their children, but others are affected, too. Friends and close family, especially grandparents, may find it hard to...
Property Boundaries in Dispute in Massachusetts
If you are considering buying or selling a property in Massachusetts, there is a myriad of things to consider. One aspect of buying a property that is often overlooked is the property boundary. Sellers may think that they know the boundary lines well and in many cases...
Legal Requirements for Opening a Restaurant in Massachusetts
Are you considering opening a food serving business such as a café or restaurant in Massachusetts? If you are, you will probably be aware that there are a number of legal requirements to take into account as well as decisions about the type of business, it’s financing...
Making a Complaint Against a Local Business in Massachusetts
If you have a complaint about a local business in Massachusetts, there is an established pathway that can be followed to make a complaint and seek a resolution. Both state and federal agencies can help to investigate and seek to resolve your complaint. Failing a...
Legal Issues Related to Underage Drinking in Massachusetts
Underage drinking in Massachusetts is treated very seriously. By “underage” it means aged under 21. In most circumstances, you cannot purchase, provide or drink alcohol in Massachusetts if you are aged under 21. That age limit doesn’t exempt older people from...
Are Emails Considered Part of Public Records In Massachusetts?
The short answer is ‘probably yes’ if the content of the email relates to the official business of a government agency or if the email was sent to an employee in any level of state government. It really depends on the email sender and/or recipient and content not its...
Child Custody Arrangements Across International Borders
When a married couple decides to divorce and they have dependent children, they must decide what will happen to their children. Child custody decisions can be some of the most contentious and difficult decisions to make on divorce. The best solution is for the couple...
Types of Child Custody in Massachusetts
Making decisions about how to care for dependent children on separation or divorce can be one of the most challenging and stressful experiences. Child custody decisions must be part of any separation agreement which needs to be submitted to the Probate and Family...
So When Am I Actually Divorced in Massachusetts?
Every state has its own rules on divorce and the divorce procedure, so if you and your spouse, or you alone, are considering getting divorced, you need to find out what those rules and procedures are before actually filing for divorce. One of the most confusing parts...
The Role of a Prosecutor in Massachusetts
Prosecutors are attorneys who have the role of representing the government in criminal cases. In Massachusetts, chief prosecutors are known as district attorneys (D.A.s), while each district attorney will also have assistant district attorneys working in his or her...
Post-Divorce Agreement Modifications in Massachusetts
Going through a divorce can be a stressful and challenging process. If you have joint children with your spouse and have been married for quite some time, divorce agreements can take quite a long time to make. Divorce agreements can be made between you and your spouse...
What is the Minimum Wage Requirement in Massachusetts?
Waged employees must be paid a minimum hourly wage in every state in the U.S. Minimum wage requirements also include minimum rates for tipped employees and establish what employees should be paid if they work overtime. Minimum wage rates are set by both federal and...
The Role of Home Inspection in Real Estate in Massachusetts
There is no law or regulation in Massachusetts which requires home owners to have their homes inspected before putting them on the market and no law or rule which requires prospective buyers to have a home inspection before sealing a deal on buying a property. It is...
Residency Requirements in Massachusetts When You File for a Divorce
Most states have some kind of residency rule that restricts a couple from filing for divorce if they haven’t spent enough time in the state. In fact, there are only three states, i.e. Alaska, South Dakota and Washington, that don’t have some kind of residency minimum...