The Massachusetts Prompt Payment Act sets out the time periods within which payment for private and public construction work must be paid. The Act helps contractors and sub-contractors have certainty about payment for work completed and facilitates cash flow for these...
Steps Needed to Needed to Open a Small Business in Massachusetts
Starting a small business in Massachusetts is a sequential process. The steps involved are well established and can be researched easily on the Internet. Before any of these steps are taken, and permits and licenses sought, the would-be small business owner or owners...
Intellectual Property (IP) Disputes in Massachusetts
Everyone is aware that laws exist to protect the property of individuals, businesses and other organizations. If someone steals your car, or breaks into your home taking computers and jewelry, then they are breaking the law and could end up with prison sentences and...
Understanding Guardianship & Conservatorship in Massachusetts
When someone becomes incapable of looking after their health and other aspects of their own life, such as their estate and finances, the Massachusetts Probate and Family court may appoint a responsible person or persons to look after their needs. This typically may...
How the Small Claims Court Works in Massachusetts
If you believe you have suffered a financial loss due to someone else’s actions, and have tried to negotiate compensation or payment directly with no success, you may be able to resolve your complaint through the civil court by filing a small claim. The small claims...
The Standard Rules of Alimony in Massachusetts
Alimony, also called spousal support, is a regular payment made after divorce by one ex spouse to the other. Normally, alimony is paid by the higher earning of the two spouses. The type of alimony that is paid, the period that it lasts and other factors are determined...
Breaches of Fiduciary Duty in Massachusetts – What’s Involved?
If you have a fiduciary duty to others or you believe you have suffered from a breach of fiduciary duties you need to know the legal implications. In most cases, you will find that a Massachusetts attorney with an understanding of fiduciary duty rights can help you...
Navigating the Building Permit Process in Massachusetts
Any new building construction, demolition, repair or modifications to existing structures must have a building permit submitted and approved before work can start. It can be challenging navigating the permit process in Massachusetts and it is important to be aware of...
Breach of Contract in Massachusetts and Remedies That Can be Pursued
A breach of contract is said to have taken place when a business contract between two parties has not been fulfilled because one or other of the two parties has failed to satisfy their side of the contract and the other party has suffered some sort of damages. The...
Post Divorce Modifications to Child Custody Arrangements
When married couples separate or get divorced, there can be huge challenges deciding what to do about shared children. The vast majority of divorcing couples wants the best for their children, but they may disagree how that can be achieved. Should the two spouses...
The Legal Requirements for Ensuring Accessibility in Construction Projects in MA
Accessibility in construction projects is a legal requirement in Massachusetts. Both state and federal legislation ensures that any new buildings and facilities they provide, or modifications to existing buildings, are accessible to all, regardless of their physical...
Restraining Orders in Massachusetts
If you have been physically abused or threatened by someone you know well, you should be able to get a restraining order to protect you from further abuse. Restraining orders, also called abuse protection orders, protective orders or 209A orders, are court orders...
Employment Termination Laws in Massachusetts
Most employees in Massachusetts are employed on hourly wages. In Massachusetts, like most other states in the U.S., they will be employed under at-will employment conditions. The exceptions are employees who are on salaries and waged employees who have an employment...
Insurance Coverage for Damage Caused by Trees in Massachusetts
Trees can add to the charm of a property. They can provide shade, add to the property’s value, and can provide nuts or fruit in season or a place for kids to hide or build a tree house. Trees can also cause damage when branches fall off or the tree is uprooted in a...
Are You Aware of Changes to Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave?
Last year, the Massachusetts government made changes to its Paid Family and Medical Leave (PMFL) program. You should have been advised of these changes by your employer, but if you have not been made aware of changes to PFML or are confused about how you can make use...
Massachusetts Wage Garnishment Laws
Wage garnishment is the withholding of an amount of money from a debtor’s paycheck. The garnishing is done by the employer and the agreed amount is paid directly by the employer to the creditor who has been given the right to order the garnishment. There are limits to...
What If My Spouse Refuses to Sign the Divorce Papers?
Divorces are easier and cheaper if both spouses cooperate and work out a sensible and workable settlement agreement together. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Every marriage is unique and the break-up of a marriage is unique, too. If one spouse wants a...
What is the Cooling off Period in a Massachusetts Divorce?
The cooling off period, also called the waiting period, or “nisi” period, is the time between the date a judge or court has agreed that you can have a divorce and actually having the divorce finalized. The length of the cooling off period depends on the type of...
Massachusetts Lemon Laws
Massachusetts, like other U.S. states, has its own specific Lemon Laws that give purchasers of defective cars certain legal rights as consumers. Calling a defective car a “lemon” is something that has been around for at least the last 100 years. The term “lemon”...
Auto Insurance in Massachusetts and the No-Fault Law
You are more likely to have an auto accident in Massachusetts than any other type of accident. Whether you, or someone else, were at fault the reality is that auto accidents can become very expensive without insurance. Every state in the U.S. has compulsory auto...